Keep track of money spent on individuals that you work with to build projects and generate invoices for FREE.

Distributa: Appwrite Hashnode Hackathon

Team Details

Description of Project

The current invoice generator apps do not allow to keep track of project income and the amounts spent on stakeholders who have been paid to work on the project.

Distributa is an open-source project that solves this challenge by allowing you to record project income, the name of the individual and the portion that has been paid or is planned to be paid to individual.

Also allows to generate and download PDF invoices for free using an interface which is not cluttered with ads.

You will be able your work history without any worry about subscription fees from us.

Tech Stack

We are going to benefit from FREE Appwrite cloud's ( authentication, database, storage and cloud functions to enable user sign up and sign in. On top of that, we are utilizing Appwrite cloud's to store data and provide history access to distributed amounts and invoices for FREE.

Appwrite cloud

  • Authentication

  • Database

  • Storage

  • Cloud functions




Challenges We Faced

  • In general, our biggest challenge is that we are new to building open-source projects, which makes it difficult to attract developers to develop the project faster and push it to users.

  • We need a faster and more affordable technology to work with instead of conventional technologies, which require managing and hosting a database and API and being responsible for authentication ourselves.

Public Code Repo